這次是拍攝 Models Past 過往事件
就是 1~7 季裡 發生的一些雜事 拿來當主題拍
雙胞胎啦 昏倒啦 吵架啦 偷東西啦 親吻啦...
Brittany - as triplets with twins Amanda & Michelle 雙胞變三胞
Dionne - as Kim, who kissed another girl in the limo 兩女接吻
Jael - as Rebecca, who fainted during panel 昏美人
Jaslene - as Bre, whose cereal bars were stolen 偷玉米片棒
Natasha - as Michelle, who got a flesh-eating disease 皮膚病
Renee - as Joanie, who got veneers 補牙
Whitney - as Shannon, who didn't want to pose nude 裸照不裸照