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Bethany Bled had been washing clothes down at the river when the man on the drappled horse had ridden up to her and told her that she was the most beautiful woman in all of Delphi. She was not used to flattery. The daughter of a charcoal burner – and illegitimate at that – she had never known the company of a man who could weave words so exquisitely as the Duke Delphi. For the next several days he made secret assignations with her and by the time Sunday came, she was ready to give her hear and soul and body to him. They met under the yews in the churchyard, where the many dead o the village were laid in humble graves.

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In the wastelands of Thyle there is a city called Karantica. Once mighty, it is now deserted. Lizards bask on the sun-baked plazas, undisturbed by the thread of human feet. Wild dogs fight and bleed and die in the great houses of that city, where every day was once filled with beauty and music and the high talk of great philosophers.

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好像貼了太多黑暗低模型介紹 來些不同滴 :p
這是在 星小宇's Blog 看到之後才開始認識低

〝 大 根 君 〞

大根君是由日本公司 TAKARA 發行的


只要看到他的苦臉就會從心底發出微笑 繼續努力嚕


● 出場人物 ●

R 00-01.gif


真的是很中年歐吉桑的嗜好阿 XD

R 00-02.gif

他的好朋友 - 櫻島大根


R 00-03.gif



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Luis heard his father's voice barking at him, but he didn't back to obey his instructions. Instead he continued to walk, away from the tenements and out toward the old furnaces. They'd been cold for years now, since Luis was just a small boy. But the mountains of gray ash that the furnaces had produced during their many years of their relentless roaring life still covered the ground all around them.

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The private detective's name was Ralph Dietrick and the credo by which he lived was simple: No case was ever dropped until it was solved. In his 30 years of detecting he'd had his share of strange cases but none stranger than the one that came his way one wet afternoon in late November. A man appeared in his office, rain running down his smooth sallow skin.

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2002 . 12


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Bethany Bled had been washing clothes down at the river when the man on the drappled horse had ridden up to her and told her that she was the most beautiful woman in all of Delphi. She was not used to flattery. The daughter of a charcoal burner – and illegitimate at that – she had never known the company of a man who could weave words so exquisitely as the Duke Delphi. For the next several days he made secret assignations with her and by the time Sunday came, she was ready to give her hear and soul and body to him. They met under the yews in the churchyard, where the many dead o the village were laid in humble graves.

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2004 . 12

04-99-01-0412.jpg  04-99-01-0412b.jpg

04-99-01-0412c.jpg  04-99-01-0412d.jpg

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He is a transformer of human flesh; a creator of monsters. if a Supplicant comes to him with sufficient need, sufficient hunger for change--knowing how painful that will be--he will accomodate them. They become objects of perverse beauty beneath his hand; their bodies remade in fashions that they have no power to dictate.

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2004 . 03

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● 簡介 ●

恐怖大師 Clive Barker 在 2004 年的作品

脆弱又膽小的人類呀 歡迎你的到來

你 美味的 脆弱的 充滿顫抖 發自內心最底層的 恐懼

● 網站 ●

Clive Barker 官網

Mcfarlane 的 Infernal Parade 模型官網
(很精緻 活動的 Flash 讓網站真的變成一個馬戲展)

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記得小時候 很喜歡閱讀老爸的神話珍藏
埃及的 印度的 中國的 日本的 歐洲的 非洲的...
豐富色彩的圖畫人物 流傳遠久的傳說 架構出神奇的世界
這樣美好的事物 卻被扭曲了

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柔美的曲風 靈透的嗓音
聽著 Jane Siberry 的 Calling All Angels



每次的迷惘 每次的選擇
每次的嘗試 每次的努力
每次的歡笑 每次的悲傷

祈求著 呼喚著 那雙撫慰的手

Calling All Angels


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