這集女孩們的拍攝主題是頒獎典 禮 :p
不過 可不是華美光艷的畫面唷 而是種種不該發生的行為 :p


Analeigh  - Interviewer with an Attitude 訪問耍大牌

7 - Analeigh Tipton.jpg

McKey - Believes She Is Going to Win, but Doesn't 以為會得獎卻輸了

7 - Brittany McKey.jpg

Elina - Overly Emotional Acceptance Speech 過度激動的得獎感言

7 - Elina Ivanova.jpg

Joslyn - Another starlet in the same gown 撞衣嚕

7 - Joslyn Pennywell.jpg

Lauren(淘汰) - Trips Up Stairs 樓梯上跌倒

7 - Lauren Brie Harding.jpg

Marjorie - Needed to Use Restroom, but Couldn't Get Out of Gown 想上廁所卻打不開禮服

7 - Marjorie Conrad.jpg

Samantha - Can't Read Cue Cards Because of Lights 燈光刺眼看不到提詞

7 - Samantha Potter.jpg

Sheena - Starlet Stepped on Her Gown 踩裙擺

7 - Sheena Sakai.jpg


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